Friday, September 4, 2009

Hello....Hello Hello is there anybody out there?

Sometimes, I use my blog like a diary, then remember that other people can and sometimes do read this thing. It's difficult to worry about what I write when I am not even sure anyone is reading it.

I sometimes wish that I had a whole bunch of readers so that I would be inspired to actually carefully consider what I write, and maybe even edit stuff before I post it. I think I am going to try at least for now, to marginally increase my readership by commenting on some other law student/law grad blogs. I could use the company.


Sarah said...

Sophy reads it. He'll never comment. So do I. And it shows up lots of places when you google it, have you seen that? I think you also have to increase your posting frequency, keep 'em coming back for more, Kare-bear.

HippieLawyer said...

Some of my readers are quite demanding. That means you Erlignition!

Unknown said...

I still read your blog, I just never comment.

--A friend from the law school forum, now graduated with you

Scott said...

I read your blog. I found it via I actually quite like it.