Wednesday, March 26, 2008

As the law review election turns

Never before has any event been so fraught with intrigue and drama. Never before has doing so much work been so unrewarding. Never before have I soooooo not wanted Mr. T and Mr. R to be my bosses.

What am I talking about? The upcoming law review elections. The most qualified people are too socially inept to run for anything. The egomaniacs are out in full force though, shaking hands with members who they never had time for before, and saying childish things like, "you should vote for me because my shoes are cute."

Personally, since the Editor in Chief of this thing is my likely boss, I would really like someone smart, but also a skilled manager. This is hard to find in law school. Many students call "extensive work experience" the one summer they spent stuffing envelopes for some senator, or the one year they worked as a paralegal at their dad's law firm between undergrad and law school.

They also foolishly hold the elections the same day as our annual skit show. That means that I only could be cast in two skits. They had better finish this lame election by the time the show starts!

Monday, March 10, 2008

White women can jump

Sometimes, my trusts and estates instructor will jump up and down with excitement. She also refers to her husband and two dogs regularly and liberally. She should probably lay off the caffeine. While some people get really irritated with her over-enthusiasm, at least it keeps us awake! She also uses a lot of overheads, which I like.

Do any readers want to comment on what they like/don't like in professors?

Friday, March 7, 2008

Student (dis) Organization

I am a joiner. I love joining all kinds of groups. I am a social person. Here at law school, I have been involved in SBA, a journal and all kinds of student organizations.

The one thing I have learned is that getting a group of flakey 20 somethings to make a decent effort at anything is nearly impossible. One-upmanship tends to carry the day, rather than actual accmplishments.

It is exhausting.